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Price Quote

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Price Quote feature enables you to send quick multiple quotes to your clients and speed up your workflow. It is a very useful tool to find precisely what your clients are looking for and create personalized quote which will help you enhance business communication and get more bookings.

Create Quick Multiple Quotes

Booking Manager gives you possibility to quickly search available boats in your fleet and send multiple price quotes. You can filter by duration, number of cabins, year of build or equipment. It will help you find optimal offer for your client request.

Empower Business Communication

Price Quote is flexible feature which enables you to create a custom template with company logo and a predefined text that can be modified whenever needed. You can select one of 21 different languages in which the quote will be sent and empower your business communication.

Stand Out From Competitors

Sending personalized quote from Booking Manager System saves time and helps you in capturing clients attention. It will increase your chances of booking and make you stand out from competitors.

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Ronald Patston

Clients Speak For Themselves

"We wanted this web site to be simple but advanced, modern but sophisticated and the most important: easy to use for clients. Great job by MMK team, thanks so much!"

Ronald Patston,
CEO at Island Spirit 39 29 28 40
Kirstie Palmer

Clients Speak For Themselves

"When I joined Waypoints, I decided that we switch to MMK booking system and it was possibly the best thing we decided to do. We have a great API which automatically talks to our booking system and goes to our website. So we update everything and it's always up to the minute updated on our website. We also have our owners that can go and see their calendars and we are bringing in much, much more with MMK. They've been a great help to Waypoints!"

Kirstie Palmer,
PRESIDENT at Waypoints 39 29 28 40
Kennart Cose

Clients Speak For Themselves

“We expected to have a website that translates our commitment to high-level service at the very first glance. However, we didn’t expect to have it delivered in such a short time. We were very positively surprised with the level of flexibility and having our ideas implemented in such a functional way.”

Kennart Cose,
CO-Founder of Pro Deck Management 39 29 28 40