Yacht Search Results

Filter results: 7529 available yachts found between 03.08.2024 - 04.01.2025
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Bavaria 36 (KONSTANTINOS )

09.11.2024 - 16.11.2024
Base: Lefkada / Nikiana Marina,  Greece - Lefkada / Port of Lefkas,  Greece
Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2004
Service: Bareboat
Length: 36 ft
Berths: 6
Cabins: 3
WC / Shower: 1
Price: 1,100.00 €
Discount: - 20.00 %
Price: 880.00 €
Transit log: 150.00 €
Security deposit: 1,500.00 €

Bavaria 36 (KONSTANTINOS )

09.11.2024 - 16.11.2024
Base: Lefkada / Port of Lefkas,  Greece - Lefkada / Nikiana Marina,  Greece
Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2004
Service: Bareboat
Length: 36 ft
Berths: 6
Cabins: 3
WC / Shower: 1
Price: 1,100.00 €
Discount: - 20.00 %
Price: 880.00 €
Transit log: 150.00 €
Security deposit: 1,500.00 €

Bavaria 36 (KONSTANTINOS )

02.11.2024 - 09.11.2024
Base: Lefkada / Nikiana Marina,  Greece - Lefkada / Port of Lefkas,  Greece
Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2004
Service: Bareboat
Length: 36 ft
Berths: 6
Cabins: 3
WC / Shower: 1
Price: 1,100.00 €
Discount: - 20.00 %
Price: 880.00 €
Transit log: 150.00 €
Security deposit: 1,500.00 €

Bavaria 36 (KONSTANTINOS )

16.11.2024 - 23.11.2024
Base: Lefkada / Port of Lefkas,  Greece - Lefkada / Nikiana Marina,  Greece
Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2004
Service: Bareboat
Length: 36 ft
Berths: 6
Cabins: 3
WC / Shower: 1
Price: 1,100.00 €
Discount: - 20.00 %
Price: 880.00 €
Transit log: 150.00 €
Security deposit: 1,500.00 €

Bavaria 36 (KONSTANTINOS )

23.11.2024 - 30.11.2024
Base: Lefkada / Nikiana Marina,  Greece - Lefkada / Port of Lefkas,  Greece
Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2004
Service: Bareboat
Length: 36 ft
Berths: 6
Cabins: 3
WC / Shower: 1
Price: 1,100.00 €
Discount: - 20.00 %
Price: 880.00 €
Transit log: 150.00 €
Security deposit: 1,500.00 €
Showing page:   of 1506  next
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Availability legend:  
Note: Legend represents the availability information quality. Yachts with realtime availability are near 100% bookable, periodic are 80% reliable, and rare are less reliable.